Finnish heavy metal band Midnight Bullet is set to release their fourth studio album Hostile Resistance on March 4th 2022


Inverse Records


Enemy Number One is a song which shows new and unsuspected side of the band. Though some skatepunk and pop elements have been dropped for this album in favor of more aggressive sound, the band has still been able to bring new flavours to the table.

Tuomas Lahti, vocals & rhythm guitar: “Album release is getting closer and obviously we’re very excited about it! Enemy Number One was pretty challenging lyricwise but turned out one of the best songs in the album. This song is very groovy but also very heavy at the same time. It’s really rewarding to write music with this band because you never really know where you end up in the end. This song is about when your best friend becomes your worst enemy.”




Track List:
1. Rain on Me
2. Hostile Resistance
3. Paranoia Obsession
4. Wait and See
5. Rise and Fall
6. Dead Redemption
7. Take Me Away
8. Enemy Number One
9. Last Escape
10. Angel of Babylon
Albumi cover by Karoliina Muukka

Tuomas Lahti – vocals, guitar
Mikko Nokelainen – drums
Lauri Ikonen – lead guitar
Mirko Miettinen – bass







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