As Hard Rock Live filled to capacity, you could sense the anticipation of fans eagerly awaiting the arrival of Black Veil Brides. Many of the band’s fans were clad in an array of black attire and elaborate makeup, paying homage to the band’s distinctive gothic style and all united by their love for this theatrical and powerful band.

As the lights dimmed, a haunting instrumental intro started the show and set the tone for the evening. The show kicked off with a thunderous roar from the audience as the band emerged on stage to kick off the set with “Crimson Skies”. Frontman Andy Biersack, with his charismatic stage presence, immediately seized the crowd’s attention.



The band’s stage presence was nothing short of mesmerizing. The band’s lead vocalist, Andy Biersack, commanded the stage with his powerful and emotive voice, effortlessly transitioning from haunting whispers to soaring screams, leaving the audience in awe of his vocal range and intensity. Guitarists Jake Pitts and Jinxx showcased their razor-sharp guitar riffs, Lonny Eagleton playing heavy yet melodic basslines, and Christian “CC” Coma laying down some incredibly hard pounding drumbeats that was shaking the very foundation of Hard Rock Live. The chemistry among the band members was apparent, reflecting years of musical camaraderie and a genuine love for performing. Even with Eagleton joining the band just a few years ago, he fits into Black Veil Brides as the one meant to be the band’s bassist.



The setlist was a mix of old favorites and tracks from their latest album ‘The Phantom Tomorrow’. This set truly showcased their evolution as musicians while creating a seamless flow of music that kept the crowd engaged from start to finish. Tracks like “Rebel Love Song”, “Torch”, and “Knives and Pens” had fans singing along at the top of their lungs, creating a sense of unity and shared connection among fans. As the night drew to a close, Black Veil Brides left the stage, but the crowd’s patiently waited for an encore. They returned with “Lost It All”, “Fallen Angels”, and “In the End”; bringing the concert full circle and leaving the audience with a final, lasting impression.



To sum up the evening, Black Veil Brides’ performance at the Hard Rock Live was an unforgettable experience for both die-hard fans and newcomers. Their exceptional musical talent and genuine connection with the audience created a concert that will be remembered for a very long time. Black Veil Brides proved once again that they are a force to be reckoned with in the world of rock music, and their dedicated fan base will undoubtedly follow them wherever they go.







Black Veil Brides Setlist

Crimson Skies

Rebel Love Song

Wake Up

Nobody’s Hero


Scarlet Cross


Perfect Weapon

Knives and Pens

Lost It All

Fallen Angels

The End

Stage Setlist Photo




Mayhem Music Magazine