Hatebreed is the opening act on the Anthrax 40th Anniversary tour alongside Black Label Society. The tour stop in our area was the Heart Health Park in Sacramento, Ca. This is an outdoor show where the Sun was high and the heat was melting all of us. Even with extreme heat, this was not a show to miss.

Hatebreed took the stage as fans were still entering the grounds. Vocalist Jamey Jasta was feeling the heat right out of the gate but was a power house on stage.



The band shredded through tracks like ‘Proven, ‘A Call for Blood’, ‘Before Dishonor’, and ‘Last Breath as more attendees made their way to the front of the stage. Guitarists Wayne Lozinak and Frank Novinec were having a great time on stage and they were playing like today was their last day and they were giving it everything they got.



The band continued to rip through ‘Smash Your Enemies’, Tear It Down, and ‘This is Now’ as you could see the heat taking its toll by this time since the overhead concert awning was not keeping the Sun from scorching the Earth or the band.



Hatebreed made a dedication to the show headliner’s Anthrax as they played ‘Perseverance’ from HB’s 2002 album by the same name. The band finished off their set with ‘Looking Down the Barrel of Today’ and ‘I Will Be Heard’.

A small mosh pit was started but many realized that in order to get through this day to be prepared for both Black Label Society and Anthrax, less energy spent in this heat, better for the long haul. I can’t say the same for Hatebreed since they definitely gave it their all.



Hatebreed Photo Gallery Click HERE




About The Author

I've been a part of music industry as a concert photographer for over thirty years. At an early age I hit the road shooting for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio, Quiet Riot, Ted Nugent, Twisted Sister, just to name a few. My love for music has never wavered. I started Mayhem Music Magazine as an outlet to share both established and new artists with others who truly love music.

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