Lisa Marie Jimenez of Mayhem Music Magazine gives a review of Tom Keifer of Cinderella fame as he performs at the Ace of Spades in Sacramento, Ca during his solo tour promoting his album ‘The Way Life Goes’


With the release of his first solo album “The Way Life Goes” in 2013, Tom Keifer stepped out from the shadows of his band Cinderella and proved that he has just as much to offer as a solo artist.

I’ve had the opportunity to see Tom Keifer perform many times with Cinderella throughout the years but I can honestly say that I was more excited to see him as a solo artist during this recent tour. He has been touring with “The Way Life Goes” since it was released, but this was the first time he was making it to a location in Northern California that I would be able to attend.

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Tom and his band were scheduled to perform at the Ace of Spades in Sacramento, Ca on September 25th and I would be in attendance. I expected to hear the Cinderella classics, that was a given but I was looking forward to hearing the tracks off the solo album even more. With these new songs Tom brought back the essence of 1970’s rock n roll with songs that fit alongside artist like The Rolling Stones and The Faces.

The stage set up is simple. It has a large Tom Keifer logo backdrop and the musician’s instruments. That’s it, no extravagant lighting, no props, basically no frills.

Tom hits the stage with Cinderella’s “Falling Apart at the Seams”. We get that bluesy rock intro and the crowd cheers as the arms and cell phones get raised high. The band goes into what I was waiting for all along, the solo material. “It’s Not Enough” and “A Different Light” are played and they both show a very different side to Tom’s songwriting ability.

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The band plays very well off of each other. Guitarist Tony Higbee and Tom Keifer play in sync as if they’ve been long time band mates.  As the band rocks through “Somebody Save Me”, “Shake Me”, and ”Heartbreak Station”, I actually appreciate the set list because it caters well to both the Cinderella fan as well as those (like me) who want to hear the newer material.

After he rocks through a few more of his songs, he changes the pace once again. He sits on a stool with his acoustic guitar and then he has another stool brought out and placed beside him. The seat stays empty since this is normally where his lovely wife Savannah joins him to sing “Don’t Know What You’ve Got (Till It’s Gone)”. He explains that Savannah was hospitalized and was taken back to Nashville. He breaks out his cell phone and asks the crowd that if he calls her would they help him sing the song to his wife since she could not be there. The crowd is happy to oblige as everyone chants the song line for line.

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The band raises the energy level at the Ace of Spaces as they go into Cinderella classics “Nobody’s Fool”, ”Coming Home”, and “Shelter Me”. Mixed in with those songs were his solo work “Solid Ground” and “Cold Day in Hell”.  The band thanks the crowd for coming and hopes they enjoyed the show as they exit the stage.

The band return for an encore and play the Rolling Stones “It’s Only Rock ‘N’ Roll (But I Like It)”. They continue with one of my all-time favorite songs “With a Little Help From My Friends” which was made famous by the late great Joe Cocker. At this point it was time to bring it full circle and close the show with Cinderella’s “Gypsy Road”.

Tom Keifer’s live performance was about the music and that is exactly what he and his band delivered….great music.


We hope you enjoyed this review of Tom Keifer Live at the Ace of Spades.  Be sure to check back for more music reviews, interviews, news, & photo galleries.


Don’t forget to check out Mayhem Music Magazine’s previous interview with Tom Keifer HERE

& pick up your copy of “The Way Life Goes” on Merovee Records.




About The Author

From my deep roots in country music to my love of the rock genre. I seek those artists who base their lyrics in the real world and who are looking for more than just the party. I bring to the table a fresh look at what's happening in music today and I hope you take this journey with me.

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