As musicians, fans, and friends mourn the loss of a Rock n’ Roll Icon, Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister will never be replaced. With the passing of Motorhead’s founding bassist and frontman on December 28th, (just four days after celebrating his 70th birthday) he lost his life to cancer.

The news of his passing spread quickly Monday via Eddie Trunk, Motorhead’s Official Facebook Page , and other social media. Many musicians and friends reached out and told their stories of the man and his contribution to heavy metal, music in general, and him perfecting the rock n roll lifestyle.

The last time I saw Lemmy was on his stool at The Rainbow Bar & Grill doing what the man was also famous for, drinking and playing his video game. I was hoping to see him in less than two weeks but unfortunately that will not be happening.

I first met the Legend when I was a seventeen year old fan in Santa Cruz as Motorhead were touring opening for Ozzy Osbourne. His band Motorhead were hanging out and taking the time to talk to fans like myself and what I learned was Lemmy was the most down to Earth guy and never tried to be a rock star…he just was one. Later my friend went to take a picture with Lemmy and he said to click the camera on my count of three.  As he was counting, Lemmy shoved his fingers up my friend’s nose and lifted him up onto his tiptoes and said “THREE”! Lemmy couldn’t stop laughing. That was just part of the humor of this icon.

Like many others, I followed Motorhead and his career through the decades and will always be a fan. Lemmy with live on in all that he has touched in person or by his music.

As we celebrate the life that he Lived, here are some photos of of the Rock n Roll Icon and Motorhead taken in Seattle.

Long Live Lemmy!! 



About The Author

I've been a part of music industry as a concert photographer for over thirty years. At an early age I hit the road shooting for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio, Quiet Riot, Ted Nugent, Twisted Sister, just to name a few. My love for music has never wavered. I started Mayhem Music Magazine as an outlet to share both established and new artists with others who truly love music

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