THE 69 EYES: Helsinki Vampires Unleash Dark New Summer Single “Call Me Snake”


Preorders For Drive Limited Vinyl EP Now Available


After twelve studio albums and several #1 chart positions in Finland, THE 69 EYES have no plans of slowing down. The band recently announced a massive European Fall tour from October through December 2022 and are also working on a new full-length studio release that will see the light of day in early 2023. In the meantime, the Helsinki Vampires allow no rest for the wicked and have unleashed a brand new single: “Call Me Snake.” It’s a dark summer hit, mixing an ‘80s gothic vibe with hard rocking guitars. Imagine The Stooges meeting early Ministry and ‘90s horror movies, and a track that shines through its simplicity yet still offers crazy twists around every corner.
“It’s 1997 in John Carpenter’s Escape From New York sci-fi classic and Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken saves the world,” comments vocalist Jyrki 69. “These are the thematic elements for ‘Call Me Snake’ and the world will be saved again!”

Stream or download “Call Me Snake” at THIS LOCATION.
And for those who enjoyed the band’s previously released single “Drive,” THE 69 EYES have a special surprise up their sleeve: On September 16th, they will release a limited edition vinyl EP featuring the three brand-new tracks of this year plus one bonus live song.
Drive Track Listing:
1. Drive
2. Call Me Snake
3. California
4. Two Horns Up (Live) * available on vinyl only, not digitally
You can preorder the vinyl EP HERE.
Here’s the band’s previous single.

Additionally, THE 69 EYES recently announced tours in Europe in November and December 2022, with industrial pioneers Ministry and horror rockers Wednesday 13. Stay up to date with the band’s upcoming live dates including a variety of Summer festivals, HERE.
Jyrki 69 – vocals
Bazie – guitars
Timo Timo – guitars
Archzie – bass
Jussi 69 – drums
Mayhem Music Magazine