As John 5 takes a break from performing with Rob Zombie, he graces us fans with a new album ‘Season of The Witch’ and a tour to coincide. One thing that you can expect at his shows is versatility in the music he plays. You will hear hard rock, country, and even pop music. The new album ‘Season of The Witch’ shows his style of controlled chaos mixed with cleanliness. From shifting in guitar tones to melodies, he takes you on a roller coaster ride through the haunting amusement part only John 5 can create which at the end always leaves you wanting to experience it all over again. The same can be said for his live performances.



This time around John 5’s cohorts in crime are bassist Ian Ross (who also was part of last tour) and drummer Logan Nix (replacing Rodger Carter). With The Ritz filling up as J5 gets ready to hit the stage, you have to wonder what this horror fan will look like when he comes out since his makeup artistry and outfits vary from show to show. The band hit the stage with pressurized smoke cannons blasting the stage and out comes John 5 all white-faced with black lips and richter scale markings from ear to ear as they crank out “Guitars, Tits and Monsters”. Did I mention that J5’s mouth is glowing? Yep, glowing!



The fans show their appreciation as they yell and cheer for the guitar virtuoso. As the show continues you get your fill of music diversity when the band cuts into tracks like “Jiffy Jam” and “Hellhaw”. You can always expect to be entertained with John 5 and he does not disappoint. He plays several of his Fender Telecasters during the show. His signature series one of course as well as his lava lamp inspired telecaster. This one is acrylic with lime green oils in it while being lighted which is very cool but of course the music coming from it is even more spectacular.


He also breaks out his lighted l.e.d. guitar, a banjo, and what I believe was a form of mandolin. Either way, he kicked ass on all of them. Plus John 5 also goes into ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ mode when he appears in a woman’s skin mask and wig. F’n creepy yet cool. It was great to hear him play one of my favorite songs “Behind the Nut Love” as well as Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”. With so many shows on this tour, I hope the devout followers of this guitarist all get the opportunity to see this guitar master “Live”.



To view more photos from the show visit the John 5 Photo Gallery HERE





About The Author

I've been a part of music industry as a concert photographer for over thirty years. At an early age I hit the road shooting for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio, Quiet Riot, Ted Nugent, Twisted Sister, just to name a few. My love for music has never wavered. I started Mayhem Music Magazine as an outlet to share both established and new artists with others who truly love music

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