Mayhem Music Magazine talks vocalist Mickey Finn to find out what’s been going on with Jetboy, his personal life, & his other project ‘Cold Blue Rebels’


Mayhem Music Magazine:  Mickey, it’s been thirty one years since you originally started Jetboy. What does your time with Jetboy mean to you?

Mickey Finn:  My work with Jetboy is one of the biggest most meaningful parts of my life, and probably what I will be remembered most for in regards to my career as a musician and artist. I learned valuable lessons in the ever evolving music business and shared some of the best experiences of my life with my best friends.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  What made you form the band in the first place?

Mickey Finn:  Billy Rowe and Fernie Rod started the band in 1983 and after getting Ron Tostenson and Todd Crew on board I was the final link to line up. We all shared alternative music and fashion influences and were searching to do something really unique, with true Rock n Roll style, very artistic, with emphasis on fashion and the fully entertaining rock n roll show.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  What are some of your fondest memories of the band from the early days?

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Mickey Finn:  Our show’s in SF’s North Beach district on the Broadway strip were off the hook with a broad spectrum of scenesters, Punks, Metal Heads, Glam Rockers, and Indy music freaks were all turned on by Jetboy and the scene at our shows was always mayhem, with shows often ending with us inviting the crowd to join us on stage for a final song, singing  along, dancing and stage diving. We partied in every dirty alley and corner spot we could find every weekend with clubs Mabuhay Gardens, The Stone, and The Rock On Broadway hosting shows every weekend that to this day leave me in awe that we lived the rock n roll dream in one of the coolest cities in the world.  Jetboy rose in popularity fast and were lucky to open for, amazing bands such as, Johnny Thunders, Lords of the New Church, Toy Dolls, Bo Diddley, Brian Setzer, The Ramones and a long long list that would eventually include LA bands Poison, GnR, Motley Crue, LA Guns and more.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  When did you know that Jetboy was at a  career turning point? When you weren’t just going to be a San Francisco band playing the clubs but actually making waves in the music industry?

Mickey Finn:  When we got our first LA manager Bridget Wright she really saw something in us that we maybe were starting to realize was there but she really saw the possibilities and began to guide us in that direction. It really came down to our rapidly growing fan base and selling out clubs all over California. This still holds true today, if your band catches a BUZZ it can grow a huge and loyal fan base fast, and you will get attention from record labels. She succeeded in getting record labels to start coming out to our shows, and that’s when we started to realize we really had something special going.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  One of your favorite bands was Hanoi Rocks and you ended up getting Sami Yaffa to replace Todd. How wild was that for you and the rest of the guys?

Mickey Finn:  Losing Todd was horrible, and although we were at our wits end, it was pushed for by our record label and management, and after several failed attempts at Rehab and involving his family to try to help get him to see the light, his crash course came to an end. I still wish to this day that we could have help to stop it before he died.  Getting Sami in the band was awesome, he was our number one choice and to this day I feel he is one of the most talented musicians I have ever had the pleasure of working with and calling my friend. We still keep in touch and he will always be considered one of the family. My Mon and Dad absolutely love him and my dad Lou sr. still loves to tell stories from back in the day with crazy family parties with Sami.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  What made you leave Jetboy when you did and why?

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Mickey Finn:  I left at a rough time when after re-uniting in 2006 and giving it a go with some big shows, short tours and some new music, we set our sights on going to Europe. We were hoping for a break even tour, but when the promoter started to book it was clear we were going to lose money and have to pay out of pocket to go. I was working as a rep at Lip Service clothing and had commitments and I was not interested in taking a month of work, and getting myself in debt to go tour Europe for free, even having to pay my own fight and meals.  The band suggested getting another singer to do the tour without me and I did not like that idea at all, I was insulted and decided to announce my departure from the band. I was in full swing with my band Cold Blue Rebels and so that was that. We have since realized there can be no Jetboy with out all of us, the current line up is the same from the Damned Nation (our 2nd album) tour, with Al Diablo Serrato on drums when Ron Tostenson can’t make it.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  Jetboy has kept a loyal following through the years. I know you have re-united and played festivals like M3, Rocklahoma, South Texas Rock Fest, and back in LA at the Whiskey. What does it feel like to hit the stage with the guys again?

Mickey Finn:  It always feels amazing hitting the stage with Jetboy, of course some shows are better then others but we really never have a bad show. I hope we can keep rocking together for many years to come!

Mayhem Music Magazine:  Have you considered ever recording new material with Fernie, Ron, & Billy again?

Mickey Finn:  We recorded 3 new songs for our most recent EP, Off your Rocker released in March of 2010, the CD also has 3 rare tracks recorder live at the M3 Festival in Maryland. The CD more then proves we still rock hard and live true to our Rock n Roll roots!  Although the production isn’t the best, we did what we could on a very limited budget, the songs are great. We should begin working on some new music for at least a couple tracks to be released hopefully in 2015.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  It’s been 27 years since the passing of former bassist Todd Crew. I still miss my friend.  We know he had his issues with drugs that got him removed from the band but he was still a great human being. Do you still think of him often?

Mickey Finn:  I will never forget or stop missing Todd, he was my friend before Jetboy and is the main reason I joined the band in the first place. His death was senseless and didn’t need to happen, but yet things like that happen all the time, still, It was probably unavoidable, people have to walk their own path, and sometimes they are influenced by things they really don’t understand. So many of our rock n roll heroes were crazy partiers, many also died. I just wish he realized that he was playing with fire we could all see it but he just wasn’t experienced enough to identify what a serious problem he had. He was the sweetest guy ever funny, charismatic, and likeable. He will never be forgotten. RIP Todd Crew.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  How is your relationship with the rest of the guys?

Mickey Finn:  Great, we are like brothers, I wish I could see them more often, then again like brothers we may get along best from a bit of a distance, haha!

Mayhem Music Magazine:  Now let’s talk about Mickey Finn present day. Tell us about your psychobilly band Cold Blue Rebels. When did you form? How did it come about? How can people get more info about C.B.R.?

Mickey Finn:  I started Cold Blue Rebels with Danny Dangerous formally from the Purple Haired Sunset strip band “Zeros”. We linked up in 2006, and found we had similar musical influences in traditional Punk, Rockabilly, and Psychobilly, so we decided to get a band together for some fun, and it kind a took off.  Check us out on Youtube we have 5 videos, tons of live tour footage, and 2 albums on Jon Nelsons Horror High Records. We kick ass and put of a sick live show. If you like Zombies, and Spooky Horror shit you’ll dig it (no pun intended).  We have done 5 US tours a few good runs with label mates Wednesday 13. And we are playing some west coast shows in October.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  The music style has changed from your past band to present band but you fit seamlessly fronting either.  What made you go in this new direction musically?

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Mickey Finn:  With CBR I just wanted to do something different, entertaining and creative, and have fun playing good rock n roll. The band is great, Joe Normal also formally from the Zeros, is a great guitar player, and the songs we write together are great. Its not that different really, It has elements of all the same influences as Jetboy, Rock, Blues, Metal, and Punk.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  I know you now live on Oahu. What brought an original Skate punk like you to the islands?

Mickey Finn:  I love the ocean, surf and fishing, and after a heartbreaking divorce I wanted a fresh start, Hawaii seemed like a good idea, and it was, I love living in paradise, after 7 years I moved back to LA in 2006, feeling the call of Jetboy and my music career, then after 7 years in crazy land with my super amazing wife Angelic, and a ton of music projects and tours, we decided it was time to come back to Hawaii where my wife is born and raised, and get our feet planted firmly back on the ground before we got stuck in LA. We hope to start a family next year!

Mayhem Music Magazine:  What is your personal life like now?

Mickey Finn:  I currently represent LAYRITE Hair Pomade, and work from my own home office in Oahu Hawaii. I surf 4 times a week, and try to stay clean and healthy. I am trying to balance a life with some kind of normalcy, yet keep the flame burning on my music career as long as I  am able to do so. At this point I would say I am very balanced and happy in my life and marriage.

Mayhem Music Magazine:  For the kids of tomorrow, what do you want to be remembered for musically & personally?

Mickey Finn:  A true Rock n Roller, with a style all my own, wild crazy, but down to earth. Nobody does it like Mickey Finn!

We hope you enjoyed this interview with Mickey Finn of Jetboy.  Be sure to check back for more music interviews.


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About The Author

I've been a part of music industry as a concert photographer for over thirty years. At an early age I hit the road shooting for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio, Quiet Riot, Ted Nugent, Twisted Sister, just to name a few. My love for music has never wavered. I started Mayhem Music Magazine as an outlet to share both established and new artists with others who truly love music.

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