Y&T vocalist/guitarist Dave Meniketti announced this morning that original rhythm guitarist Joe Alves passed away this morning. This hits home for us Y&T fans who grew up in the bay area supporting our local boys who made good.

Dave posted this on social media this morning:

It’s with great sadness that I write this today. Y&T’s original rhythm guitarist, Joey Alves, passed away at 7:10 this morning at the age of 63. He suffered from ulcerative colitis and other complications that led to his passing. Joey was one of the finest rock rhythm guitarists, and I’ll always remember playing next to him chunking out those monster chords with his classic red double cutaway ‘59 Les Paul Jr. As Ronnie Montrose once said about Joey, “There are rhythm players, then there’s Joey. A class of his own…..”.

He was a fun guy who always played with attitude and conviction, and was responsible for writing some memorable riffs for Y&T over the years. His friendship and presence will be missed. This is a great loss for all the Y&T family and faithful. He now joins Phil and Leonard in rock and roll heaven.


Although Joey left Y&T several years ago, he was always a part of the culture that is “Yesterday & Today”. This leave Dave Meniketti as the only surviving member of the original line up. Original drummer Leonard Haze passed away in 2016 and bassist Phil Kennemore in 2011.

Joey Alves, you will be missed.



About The Author

I've been a part of music industry as a concert photographer for over thirty years. At an early age I hit the road shooting for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio, Quiet Riot, Ted Nugent, Twisted Sister, just to name a few. My love for music has never wavered. I started Mayhem Music Magazine as an outlet to share both established and new artists with others who truly love music.

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